Monday, February 21, 2005

What A Weekend

First, I spent most of it on the road. I was at a conference. That was good; I got to hear about what God is doing in the neighbourhood I grew up in. Surprisingly (don't we tend to have negative views of the places we grew up in?) God is doing quite a lot. I met the man who is planting a church there. He is filled with the Spirity's fire and passion and zeal. What's more, a more humble and gentle spirit would be hard to find. A tremendous man of God, and I am grateful that the KLord has sent someone like that to revive my home.

Then Sunday came. I tell you that I could sense the Spirit doing something that morning. Nothing went wrong, or at least nothign went wrong that was not instantly fixed. God seemed to be preparing something. By the time Sunday School had started, I could senseGod's movement even more. Our youth class was double what itnormally is, the adult class was also bigger, and people just kept on coming.

When worship started you could sense the joy. It seemed that nothing could detract from the Lord's presence. Nothing did. Not even my preaching. We had our best attendnce of the year, and, for a regular service, one of our best attendances ever. There were many visitors, and we had a number of regulars away too. We followed with a meal that was wonderful; the only thing warmer than the food was the fellowship.

I'd liek to take some credit, but I can't. I can just say it was exciting and a privilege to be a part of.

I can't wait to get to next Sunday!

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