Thursday, April 14, 2005


Over the last few days I have been having some really neat ideas for things I could do in a worship service to spice it up.

  1. I could string together a bunch of secular songs with gospel messages interspersed.
  2. I could use sound bites from various popular films to make points throughout a sermon.
  3. I could just go through a movie and use it a the springboard for a gospel message
  4. I could read short stories that make excellent gospel points.
Ya I have had the creative juices flowing a bit lately.


Anonymous said...

sounds kinda manic there buddy!Can yo imagine how some might feel unfortable after all its change!!

Oddball Pastor said...

Of course its change, but its change with a purpose. I want to reach as many as I can for Christ!

In His Steps said...

Certainly would be a good tool for youth or college and career age!