Monday, December 13, 2004

It Must Be Seen To Be Believed

Whomever did this I am sure has a touch of obsessive-compulsive disorder, to say nothing of an unhealthy attachment to her cat.

Can you imagine spending all that time building such a thing only to let your cat play in it???

Don't get me wrong, it is a real work, and I respect the tenacity and skill required to construct such a thing. I just can't imagine why a person with that much time and skill woudl use it for this purpose.

But then I don't "get" modern art either.


Anonymous said...

which just serves to confirm my long-held suspicion - lego people are weird.

Anonymous said...

Weird. Weird, weird, weird, weird, weird.

In His Steps said...

Although I think the church is a little extreme, having a son that loves lego I can see where the seed for some extreme lego can be planted. You can't just buy a container of plain old lego anymore. You have to purchase a "kit" that builds a T-Rex or a basket ball court. It is wild.